We met and quite some could not attend. All for good reasons. We then spread ot into break out sessions and worked on the three disciplines: Story, Music and Visuals. After 45 min we presented the insights, outcomes and thoughts to each other.
In the story group we looked at three approaches: yours Staša (the draft after Slovenia), Camilos first two scenes and Gregors approaches. Three very valuable approaches and very different, and there was not even yours, Anja nor yours Aaron 🙂 We ended with a question I gave the two of them: What do you, do we want the audience to take away from the performance?

Back with the whole group, we all realised that the overall storyline is the first thing that needs to be finalised now. As of course that has a big impact on the work of everyone, all want to have a word in this.
That is why a brainstorming day was decided upon: January 11th.

The outcome: the story group will have a meeting before January 11th to work out one voice draft from all 5 existing approaches


As mentor for the story group, it will be my task to lead this brainstorming session, so you all can emerge into the process of storyline finding. To prepare for this I want you to co-create with me the workshop design and also decide on the kind of interventions together with me.
Why? I can easily facilitate such a session, as I studied the craft of facilitating, plus with experience I too can offer a vast choice of interventions for co-creation. Yet as you are going this path too in this project, I want you to know what is ging on on the meta level. Again why? Because directing and story creation is always a co-creational part and as Musicville was granted being an Creative Europe project also because there is a lot of individual artistic development involved, I in my mentor role would like you to learn on a meta level, as much as you can get.

Blogpost & Photos from Karola Sakotnik.